Saturday, October 25, 2008

An answered prayer

Matt has been SO busy lately and it's not only hard on the kids and I when he's not around, it's also hard on him. We were talking last Sunday night about this and Matt was really feeling like he wasn't spending enough time with Wyatt but didn't see how the situation would be changing anytime soon. Neither of us had any great answers to the dilemma but knew we needed to pray about it. This has been the theme in our lives lately--not much we can do about present situations but pray. And as a friend reminded me, prayer is more powerful than anything else we can do on our own.
Matt called me the next day (Monday) from work and said, "You'll never guess what I got? A guy at work has 2 tickets to the BlueJackets (NHL team) game tomorrow night and can't go. I think I'm going to bring them home and surprise Wyatt."
Matt walked in the door and handed them to Wyatt and his eyes just lit up. He knew exactly what they were--tickets to his first NHL game. He was so excited that he woke up at 5:30am the next morning and told everyone we saw during the day that he was going with his Daddy to see the BlueJackets.

They got there early to watch warm-ups and Matt said Wyatt wanted to find their seats first. The place was empty--they could have gone anywhere--and Wyatt wanted to sit in his own seat.

They had great seats and Wyatt came home so excited! And thankfully, the BlueJackets did win!
It was such a fun night for Matt and Wyatt, but more importantly it was such an answer to prayer for Matt and I. And there have been so many other answered prayers in our life lately--some big some small. But no matter what the circumstances, it has been a great reminder to Matt and I that God is in control of all things. And for this we are so thankful!!


Suzanne Woodward said...

Hi Kristin,
I just love this entry, and had to let you know. I am so happy you and Matt put your family first, even though that is so tough as a resident/fellow. If there's anything this training has taught me (well, and continues to teach me) is that I am not in control, and when I realize that & give it up to God, He comes through every time! Glad you're hanging in there.

Anonymous said...

it was SOOOO great to talk to you guys today and hear about this from wyatt!! love you!

The Paulk's said...

Oh how fun for the boys! I bet Wyatt had such a great time, watching hockey and spending one-on-one time with Matt!