Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Wedding and Weather

This past weekend I went to a friend's wedding in Michigan. Katie was the last of the six of us to get married and, although we are happy for her, we are all sad because there are no more weddings for us to go to and get together at. We're going to have to make our reunions a top priority! Everyone but our friend Laura was able to make it--nothing short of a miracle since we live in Maryland, New Jersey, Chicago, Wisconsin, and California. It was great to be back in the city where we all went to college and to catch up on what's going on in each person's life. (L to R--Me, Annie, Andra, and Kari--6 mos. prego)

not the greatest pic, but I had to show the beautiful bride--Katie

The four of us again as we were saying goodbye again for probably another year :(

I drove home from the wedding on sunday afternoon and this was what I saw as I pulled up to my parents house in Madison......

These clouds were pretty was light blue sky immediately contrasted by low, swirling clouds and then really dark sky.(Matt out on the deck with Sadie--Jen, I know you are dying just looking at this picture knowing Matt was outside watching it all, but I did bring Sadie inside with me as the clouds got closer)

We ended up staying in Madison until about 8pm and waited for much of the storm to pass, although we still drove through some downpours. There's been lots of flooding, as I'm sure many of you have seen on the news, and some of our friends in Des Moines have a flooded home. It's pretty scary to know what damage rain can do! Thankfully we are all safe and dry here! It was a great on to packing, packing, and more packing!!!


The Paulk's said...

Oh Kris! I LOVE the gifts you got for Riley and Lincoln, they are SO CUTE! Thank you so very much, that was very thoughtful of you guys. I can't wait until he can wear the onesies :)! Thanks so much again, we hope to see you guys soon.

kara jayne said...

Those pictures of the sky are awesome! You look beautiful as usual. Those get together with old friends are always great. Hope your doing well in this transition time!