Thursday, June 26, 2008

State mascot--mosquitoes

I just have to post a few pictures of poor little Sadie. She is covered in mosquito bites and it seems that they are everywhere these days. We've been saying over the past few days that there seem to be so many more mosquitoes this summer and our thoughts were confirmed as we read the paper this morning. Apparently at one of the larger parks in Madison, a net will usually catch about 200 mosquitoes over a certain time period. This year, the same net has caught about 20,000!!!! No wonder Sadie looks like she does!!

The picture quality isn't the greatest, but if you click on them individually, so can really see how bad it is!!!


Sharp Family said...

Oh, poor Sadie!

kara jayne said...

That is the #1 thing I DON'T miss about Wisconsin!! Those buggers (pun intended) LOVE my kid's blood!!