Thursday, June 26, 2008

Fun Times with Daddy!

We have really enjoyed our time off this week and although almost all of our stuff is in boxes and we are living with family for the next several weeks, we are making the most of it and looking at the situation as a blessing. The kids and I have loved having Matt around this week---as have my parents! Matt has mowed the lawn a few times, fixed a few things around the house, washed cars, etc.

On Tuesday, the four of us went to the zoo and had a great time. It was great to just have time as the four of us and not have anything else pulling at our time---no pager, no appointments, no schedule. Matt and I actually enjoyed the zoo just as much as the kids and found some of the animals and exhibits fascinating.
looking at the gators
kids and matt checking out the grizzlies
On Wednesday, we decided to bike downtown to the memorial union. I ended up mapquesting is after we returned and it's about a 12 mile bike one-way. I had been wanting to do this for awhile as I have fond memories of our family taking bike trips downtown when I was younger. However, my parents have since moved farther away from downtown by a few miles and pulling 60 lbs of kids behind you really makes for an additional challenge. But we still had such a great time and I can't wait to do it again. Madison is such a great place to be outdoors and active.

Eating Ice Cream on the terrace

watching the ducks

the water level is so high----usually there are several steps down to the water
We are having such a great time as a family and I'm sure there will be many more posts about all we are doing during our "time off".