Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Well, I have to first apologize for my lack of posts! We were out of town for Christmas and I have LOTS to post about our Christmas, but I'm trying to get back in to the swing of things first. So more to come....and be prepared, because it will probably be a lot at once! But I didn't want to pass by the New Year without a few comments.

1. Looking back on the past year is always something I enjoy doing and try to take time to do every year. A year ago at this time, I was pregnant and didn't know if we would be having another boy or a little girl joining our family. Wyatt wasn't quite 2 years old and Matt was in the middle of his 2nd year of residency. Now we are a family of 4, Matt is in his final year of residency, and we are moving to Columbus, OH for a year of fellowship training---what a difference a year makes! Sadie has truly brightened our lives and added joy to our family. And she has brought out a side of Wyatt that we didn't see before she was born. Wyatt is now becoming quite the little guy and continues to impress us everyday. He watches EVERYTHING and doesn't miss a beat. Matt continues to excel in his field and I am so proud of all his accomplishments. He has presented research, given talks, and been accepted for an orthopaedic fellowship. And on top of all the demands of his career, he still puts time with his family first. What a guy! As for me, I'm now mom to 2 kids. And they are right when they say 2 is more than double the work! I have also been leading one of the classes in our Bible Study--on my favorite topic, marriage. I've really enjoyed it and have found another passion I have---leading women in studying God's Word. It truly has been a great year.

2. Looking forward---yikes!! I am excited about what the year holds for us, but it will also be a year with lots of changes. I am a person who really likes change, but this will be a lot all at once. We'll be moving to a new city, starting a new position, and also looking for a job for when we are done in OH. New friends, new city, new church, new job, etc. By this time next year, we will hopefully know where we'll be ending up and planning another move. I'm excited for the adventure ahead and trust that God will use it to strengthen us.

3. New Year's Resolutions----NONE! I personally don't believe in Resolutions. I'm the type of person who believes that if you want to make changes in your life, you should just do it--why wait until a certain time of year? If you want to exercise more, just do it. If you want to read more, just do it. If you want to eat healthier, just do it. So I'm not one for resolutions.

God has so richly blessed us in all areas of our lives and at this time of year, as always, we give Him all the praise. "Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you." Psalm 63:3