Thursday, January 31, 2008

We love visitors!!!!

This past weekend, our friends Ryan and Jen and their daughter Elle came to visit us. It has been a trip we've been trying to coordinate ever since we moved to La Crosse, so Jen and I figured they better make the trip before we are gone! Jen and I worked together in Des Moines, IA and were also in Bible Study together--and it just seemed like we did everything together. Matt and I even lived with them right before Wyatt was born since our lease was up on our apt. and we were going to move right after Wyatt was born. Thankfully we have stayed very close, despite the distance between us. Jen and Ryan were blessed with the much anticipated birth of their first child, Isabelle (Elle), in May and we were excited for them to all come visit.

Saturday morning in jammies....Don't these girls look alike? Jen and I have always thought so, but even when we were out for dinner on Saturday people asked us if the girls were cousins!

I think Wyatt was feeling a bit left out with all the picswe were taking of the girls, so he decided to be a part of the action.

Smiley girls!

I had to put this picture on because over the weekend, I noticed that I am definitely a mother of a boy learning to be a mother of a girl. Jen would brush Elle's hair every morning and several times a day, put cute bows in her hair, and even called her diapers "panties". Poor Sadie is just looking at me in this picture, brush in hand, like "Mom, couldn't you just take a few seconds to brush my hair? Elle's mommy does it?"

I think Elle was a bit worn out from all the action in our household--Sadie keeps up by drinking Starbucks! What else would you expect from my daughter?!

To quote Jen, "Sadie, what time is our pedicure...I'm so relaxed from our spa bath I may need to take a nap first."

So pretty!! Notice Sadie's bow...I'm workin' on it!

Once again, Wyatt felt left out with all the pics of the girlsbeing taken, so he wanted in on it....he looks so grown up in this picture! I can just see this face when he's about 17yrs. old getting prom pictures taken!

Again to quote Jen, "Elle, you have a little too much blush on your cheek; let me help you out"

The girls!!!
It was so much fun to have Ryan, Jen, and Elle and we can't wait to get back to Des Moines to visit them again--and Wyatt is looking forward to seeing Cheerio as well!


Anonymous said...

a#1 - i LOVE that wyatt is still proudly wearing his brett favre jersey to bed
b#2 - the pic of saide with the brush and your caption is great!
c#3 - see you guys in 2 days!

Anonymous said...

i meant sADIe ... i do know how to spell her name!

Our Family said...

It was so fun wasn't it - I love Elle and Wyatt's expressions in the pic you posted of them :) It won't be soon enough that we get to see you again! Have a super weekend!