Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Sadie's random tricks

I know it seems like I've been posting about Sadie a lot, but it seems like she just keeps learning new things. Almost everyday, I read her this little book about babies learning to eat (Wyatt's favorite when he was her age) and now she will grab the book and bring it to me to read to her. If I'm not able to read it to her, she'll turn the pages on her own and point to her nose and chin, just like I do when we are reading it. It cracks me up.

She has also learned to "talk on the phone". See below.

And here, she seems to have missed her ear!

She loves playing under the kitchen table. However, if she sits up under the chairs, she hits her head and cries like crazy! Hopefully she'll learn soon.I had to put this picture on because Sadie's hair is now long enough to but a barrette (sp?) in it---notice the little green barrette on the left!

This post is all about Sadie, but the last few weeks of my life have been all about Wyatt. We have been in the throws of potty training (hence the lack of pictures) and I'm hating it! So frustrating. But Wyatt is doing pretty well now and each success is a huge accomplishment. I have to say that I haven't felt so much pride as a mother until the first time he went in the potty.....who knew that the highlight of my life right now would be peeing and pooping in the potty! But it certainly is.


Anonymous said...

Your kids are SO advanced, seriously! Whether it is good genes or good parenting, I think you are doing something right! :) I still think about how well Wyatt spoke at age 2 when we were out to lunch. I remember thinking, "Oh, that is what a 2 year old does, huh?" I came to find out that that is NOT what a typical 2 year does. He was well above average and it looks like Sadie is following in his brother's footsteps.