Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Last chance

I am so behind on posts, but I am attempting to catch up. The kids and I took advantage of the warm weather (40 degrees) last week and went outside to play. And I'm sure glad we did since we are now burried in snow. But the kids loved being outside and being able to "ride bikes". This was the first time Sadie "rode" on this toy (one of the neighbors) and she loved it. She even figured out how to kick her legs and move. But of course, she was more enamored by Wyatt moving around!

This face is so precious! Her eyes were locked on Wyatt the entire time. I was standing right by her taking this picture and she didn't blink once! The kids had a great time and although sunset is now around 4:30pm, we were able to go out for just a little bit and enjoy the weather.