Friday, December 14, 2007

Happy Birthday Matt!!!!!!!!!

Today is Matt's 30TH birthday!!!! And he made me promise that I wouldn't throw a surprise party or do anything to embarass him. (The hospital Christmas party is this evening and he wouldn't go with me unless I promised I wouldn't do anything there either!) I really didn't like having to promise this, but it's his birthday, so I obiliged! (Plus, I know he really wouldn't like a surprise party.) So instead, I'm just notifying everyone via our blog. I'm sure he'll hate this too, but hopefully he'll forget about it once he reads the rest of the blog.

30 Things I love about Matt (in no particular order, b/c each of them is what makes him who he is):

1. his faith

2. his cleanliness

3. his athleticism

4. how supportive he is of me

5. that he loves "chick flicks"

6. that he's a great provider for our family

7. his loyalty

8. his smile

9. his arms

10. his butt---nothing beats the hockey butt!

11. he still tells me i'm beautiful everyday

12.he still opens every door for me

13.he hates video games and doesn't get why people like them

14.he doesn't do "fantasy football, baseball, hockey" etc.

15. he loves spending time with his good guy friends

16. he puts his patient's needs first in his medical care

17. He's willing to fight for what he believes in

18. Is the only one in our family with green eyes--i'm hoping at least one of children will get them

19. his sense of humor

20. his sensitivity to other people's feelings (he's much more aware of how other people feel than I am, and I am so grateful for this)

21. how close he is to his dad, grandad, and grandpa

22. his desire for excellence in every area of his life

23. his love of everything "christmas"

24. he would rather dress up anyday than wear sweatpants

25. he puts our family first--always

26. he has made me a much better person---just ask my family!

27. believes that my job is the most important job in the world and tells me this often

28. tells me i'm a great cook (even though I don't think it's true! but it's so sweet)

29. he's constantly trying to improve himself in every area of life

30. he spends time every morning before work reading the Bible and praying

I love you babe! Have a great 30th.......I'll be there in a few years! :)