Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Blake learned how to ride a two-wheeler....literally in his first attempt. He was quite unsure about trying it for awhile, but Matt knew that if he actually tried it he'd probably be successful quite quickly. And sure enough, I came outside to see this! I think I was inside making dinner or something, clearly not anticipating that this would be the day! I quickly snapped a few pics on my phone and then ran to get the video camera so as not to completely leave the third child out and record some of his milestones! I got a few other great videos of our entire street of kids running alongside him, cheering him on! Seriously, I love having such great neighbors that encourage one another and celebrate milestones like this. It seems not that long ago that Wyatt and Gracie were learning on this same street with the older kids cheering them on and I was pregnant with this guy!
LOTS of this going on this fall----rainbow looms! Making bracelets, necklaces, rings, you name it! 
Sadie has been wanting one for quite awhile now and I keep telling her to ask for one for Christmas...we will see if she finally gets it!
Sadie's friend Teagan came over one day after school and these girls had a blast dressing up! The hats, gloves and purses were all my grandma's and I love that these girls enjoyed them as much as I did when I was their ages.
And my phone pictures....I often find pictures like this on my phone and for once, I didn't just delete them but saved a few....

The filter Sadie used as well as the angle on this one is quite creative!
I usually try and go on at least one field trip with each kid during the school year and I was thrilled that my name was chosen to go with Sadie's class to see "Charlotte's Web" at the Minnesota Children's Theatre. It was possibly one of the best plays I have seen there---I am amazed at the creativity some people have and love seeing how they turn human actors into animals for the play. It was truly amazing! And these girls were in my 'group' for the day! (Gotta love 1st grade boys as well!)