Monday, November 18, 2013

After school fun

Wyatt has chess club after school on Thursdays and one Thursday, Sadie's friend Kellijean was coming over, so we went to Cherry Berry for a snack while we waited for Wyatt to be done (yes, we took some to him also). The kids loved it and it was Kellijean's first time!
Blake's favorite after-school activity is doing the fire pole at the kids' school playground. I took this picture when it was still nice out, obviously, but if we get to school a few minutes early or if we walk them in before school, Blake always asks to do this "one time Mommy". I got up there one time and I was even a bit scared of the height.....crazy crazy boy!! There was one day when it had just rained and he literally 'fell' the entire way down, holding onto the pole and he laughed hysterically at the bottom, despite crashing on his bottom!
His other favorite activity--climbing this steel beam at Sadie's gymnastics place--all the way up. I didn't get a picture of him at the top because I was too freaked out, but he climbs with his feet right on the beam until he gets to this point, then rests them on the ledge and then keeps going. Needless to say, I quickly switched his gymnastics time to be during Sadie's so I didn't have to deal with this the entire time and he could be out on the floor, where he wanted to be!