Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Stormy in the fall

We went up to Stormy for the kids' fall break and what a great time we had. It's always so relaxing to be up there and refreshing to get away from everything and just enjoy time with each other. I had to take these pictures one morning when Matt and I were walking outside to go sit and read early in the morning.....this was the sunrise over the lake and it was just breathtaking! We don't see many of the sunrises at Stormy in the summer since they are so early.
(The steam coming off the water as the cool air hit the warm water just added to the magnificence of the beauty. I honestly stood out there for about 15 minutes just taking it all in--and then my feet started freezing since it was only in the 40s that morning.)
We went to breakfast with Matt's parents, who were also up at their cabin, and then Sadie and I joined my mother-in-law for a quick stop at the quilt shop. Sadie was fascinated with all the colors, fabrics, threads, etc. This girl definitely loves her crafts and using her creativity on a daily basis. 
This was all new to me as well since I don't think I had ever stepped foot into a quilt shop before. My mother-in-law had to pick a thread color out from this wall in the back of the shop for them to use to put together her quilt and then she also had to pick out a pattern for the stitching. Then the put her two quilt pieces on this long roll (see picture below) and a machine goes over the entire thing to stitch it together with the specific pattern and thread.
Sadie LOVED being a part of it all and I'm sure this won't be the last time she's in a quilt shop! 
We spent the rest of the weekend hanging out, watching football, bowling, coloring and enjoying the break from activities and school and friends.