Sunday, December 22, 2013

First snowfall

The first snowfall of the year is always so fun and exciting--especially with kids! The kids woke up and looked outside and were giddy with excitement. Getting the kids dressed and fed and ready by 7:30am was no problem! The motivation of getting outside to play in the snow before school was a welcome change for me! Thankfully our new neighbors are also early risers and the kids had some friends to play with. 
Despite only having an inch or two, the kids still wanted to make snow angels, snowmen, have snowball fights---all the usual fun snow activities. I'd say only one of those activities was successful.
Their excitement was contagious but also mildly hilarious to see the green grass just beneath their snow angels.
Running around inside the 'ice rink'---Matt got the brackets hammered into the ground while it was still soft--just in time!