Monday, September 2, 2013

Twas the night before school started....

This is it....the end of summer. School starts tomorrow and for possibly the first time all summer, the kids were all showered/bathed and in bed by 8pm. Backpacks are already and clothes are laid out and everyone is anxiously awaiting the first day. But this year is a bit different for a few reasons......

First of all, we had an AMAZING summer. We spent much of it at Stormy Lake, which made the summer go by way too fast, as we always say that time flies at Stormy. As we drove home today from our last summer weekend up there, Matt had us recount all the things each person accomplished this summer and after we listed each person's achievements, we all clapped and congratulated them. (These are all things they had never done before this summer)

Blake--wakeboarded off the boom on the boat, tubed behind the boat, fished, swam on his own in deep water, jumped off the boat to join in a swimming party
Sadie--tubed, skied off the short rope, skied behind the boat and went outside the wake on BOTH sides, double skied with Mom and crossed under the rope, biked all the way around the lake (6 hilly miles), biked to Grammy and Papa's cabin
Wyatt--slalom skied behind the boat, wakeboarded off the short rope, attempted barefooting off the boom, double skied with Matt crossing under the rope, skied and biked around the lake twice all in one day, drove the boat, pulled the boat up to the dock, caught a fish off the dock (biggest one we've seen come out of Stormy), kayaked to Grammy and Papa's on his own, biked to their place on his own
Mom--operated the boat completely independent of Matt while he was gone for a week, improved slalom cuts, learned how to drive Matt while he was barefooting
Dad--consistently barefooted--staying up for long runs, wake-crossed barefooting, one-foot barefooted off the short rope

It was fun to see the look on each kid's face as their entire family praised them for their accomplishments and acknowledged the challenges that they each overcame. And we were able to teach the kids that it isn't about beating someone else or doing something no one else can do, but challenging ourselves to do something that is either difficult or that we are afraid to do. We made so many great memories with family and friends this summer, as well as time spent with each other in a beautiful place! But we also had a great summer here in Woodbury--Wyatt's baseball, Twins game, doughnut runs (more about that later), bike rides, fun at the pool, time spent with friends, Farm Camp, hockey camp, VBS......we did a lot and truly soaked up just about every moment of the summer.

But we are also ready for a routine--ready to get back into a nice rhythm of school, activities, church involvement, working out, etc. But this will be a different year yet again as Sadie is now in 1st grade and will be in school all-day, every day. That leaves just Blake and I together all day! He may be quite bored:)

Tomorrow also marks the beginning of the kids' year at a new school. When we made the decision last year to send them to New Life, it was definitely out of faith. We had prayed fervently that if the Lord wanted them there, that they would both get in and if He didn't, that they wouldn't get in. When we got the letter than they both got in, Matt and I had mixed feelings (which neither of us were expecting). But we took the step in faith and are trusting the Lord in this decision. We met both of the kids' teachers last week and I am thrilled with who they each got (I observed the classes last spring so I saw them in action). We also went to the class picnics last week for each of their classes and met several families that we knew but didn't realize they went to New Life and the kids both know a few kids in their classes already. When they went to bed tonight, both Wyatt and Sadie were excited for school to start and to go to New Life. Oddly enough I seem to be the one with a few butterflies---I have had three dreams over the past week that we either overslept or I messed up the kids' uniforms and they got sent home or forgot to pack a lunch, etc. I didn't realize I had any emotions other than excitement, but I guess I do!! I am praying that more than anything, both Wyatt and Sadie are able to make some good friends. But it will take some time, so I am going to have to be patient.

Tomorrow morning will come quickly and I will be sending off a 3rd grader and a 1st grader---time really does go so quickly but I feel like I am finally at a place where I am truly enjoying these times and soaking up the fun we are able to have together. I'm off to bed and will attempt to post first day of school pics soon---once I get caught up on the last month and a half of our summer!!


Lindsay Borland said...

i have SO loved all the recent blog posts :) You can be sure that even though i haven't commented on them all i have read every single one of them ... maybe even multiple times! We love you guys and November cannot come soon enough!!!