Monday, September 16, 2013

More fun with the Sullivans

The girls checking to see who is taller since they are both very tall for their age...
Girl talk
And yes, oh yes, we got Ryan up on skis!!!! It was a very exciting day for everyone--and once he got up and got the hang of it, he was up every time after that. I have to say that over the summer we have taught many people how to water ski (all ages and physical abilities) and Matt is definitely a gifted teacher. He's great at reading his student and being able to tell if they need more direction or just to leave them to figure some of it out on their own.  
Looking quite comfortable out there beyond the wake!
And even some waves for the fans!
Beautiful clouds (before a storm rolled in) one day with a rainbow sailboat
Jen and Ivy
Elle and Sadie (of course a baby had to be brought on the boat!)
A beautiful picture of a beautiful woman (inside and out)
Wyatt fell asleep one day on the boat in the middle of the afternoon--he had biked around the lake with Jen and I that morning on our run, then skied quite a bit and after having been up late a few nights in a row for bonfires, he was beat. He was honestly asleep in this picture!
But once he woke up, we tried wakeboarding off the boom for the first time.....and of course he got it right away. He is an athletic kid for sure, but his strength when it comes to learning something new is his ability to carefully observe everything. Nothing gets by Wyatt, whether he lets you know that or not, and he watches every single Matt or I do when we ski or wakeboard, so when it comes time for him to try it, he knows what to do.
Amazing views of the eagle
What an amazing Creator we serve! And to be able to take in so much of that beauty at Stormy Lake is such an amazing blessing!
Back to wakeboarding......the boom was a bit too easy, so we pushed Wyatt to try the short rope
..and he did great once again. It wasn't a super long run since the storm was impending AND he was on an old adult wakeboard, but he did it nonetheless!
watching a movie one night when the kids were all fried by 6pm!
Having a snack
Blake and Wheaton were careful observers as well...

..and Sadie's favorite--the swimming parties!!!!

Love this picture! Sadie showed Elle how to ski one day behind the boat and then Elle wanted to try it off the boom.....Sadie got in the water with her to help her with her skis and they worked so well together. For some reason, though, I don't have pictures of Elle skiiing......Jen, do you have them?


Our Family said...

Yes - I do - and yes I owe you a whole cd of pics!!! :) Next weekend I will give them to you! Love all of these - our memories are precious and many :)