Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Ellingsons come to Stormy Lake

We finally found a weekend when our neighbors, the Ellingsons, could come up to Stormy. Unfortunately the Peterfesos, our other neighbors, couldn't make it up so we are hoping to have both families up some time next summer. But it seemed like we had all been waiting all summer to enjoy Stormy Lake with the Ellingsons and the weekend did not disappoint. The weather was perfect and all the kids got to ski at some point.

Tyler, who had never even skied before, caught on pretty quick (probably helps that he plays hockey)
Gracie did great off the boom

I'm sure some of these pictures are getting old, but it never gets old to see the eagles up close!
Papa took the kids out for a sail--Tyler, Lillie and Gracie had never been sailing and Papa loves to teach people how to sail--the day was perfect for it!
I included this picture because this is what learning how to ski at Stormy looks like...a cheering section on the dock as well as in the boat!! It's one of the most exciting things to be able to see someone achieve something and learn a new skill...and Tyler definitely caught the skiing bug!
Joel hadn't skied in about 20 years and wasn't sure how he would do......I think he did just fine!

Tyler was quite impressed by his Dad's hidden talents and the gauntlet had been thrown.....after just one day of skiing on two skis, he dropped one and slalomed!
The girls opted for tubing since the water was getting a bit choppy (at least for Stormy Lake standards)

The next day we busted out the tubes and decided to have some fun! We don't mess around on these things....it's go big or go home!
Check out Tyler Ellingson's leg!

And Karsten officially holds the title as the tubing king after a couple of these barrel rolls!!
After all that, it's no wonder he was so exhausted!! (FYI Karsten is Matt's cousin who worked at my father-in-law's office this summer for his college internship and lived with my in-laws in Madison, so it was fun to see him more than we usually do)
-Like I said, go big or go home-
And when you go big, sometimes not even the tube can contain itself!
Once it warmed up a bit, everyone was in the mood for a bit more skiing--Sadie J
Tyler starting to make cuts
And Lille quickly progressed from the short rope...
...to behind the boat!! WOoHOO!!
The guys headed out that evening for a little footing session
(these pics were from the one of the mornings but I can remember when)

Laughing hysterically at the bootie that Barefoot shorts+barefoot suit+hockey butt give you!
After watching Matt and Ty and Clay (a college-aged kid who barefoots with the guys), Tyler Ellingson wanted to give it a try on the boom.....but he quickly learned that it's a lot harder than it looks! The poor kid couldn't even pull his legs around to attempt a plant, but his go-get 'em attitude was awesome and it's fun to have people like that around!!
One of Sadie's favorite activities that she invented.....belly-footing, as she calls it! And this is all she does!
So much fun with the Ellingsons and we know they will be back quite often in the years to come!