Monday, September 2, 2013

Final goodbye for (hopefully) awhile

Wouldn't you know, it finally warmed up on the Statemas last day at Stormy...better late than never!
Julie displayed her mad skills...
And the kids egged them on to do some double skiing....It's always fun to see kids' reactions when they see their parents do something they didn't know they could do!
They even did some cross-over/unders!
Sadie and I double skiing
Hanging on to the last few moments
Love these pictures of these great boys!
And the whole crew!
Another of Julie and I
Just the guys...

We are seriously missing these guys already and it's only been a month. We have been so blessed by their family and their friendship and cherish the friendships we share with both Jamie (Matt) and Julie (myself). But we are thankful for the work they are doing in bringing God's Word into the hearts and minds of kids--and we are already planning on getting together next month when they are back in town for some publicity stuff, so hopefully it will ease us into life without them here. But we are planning a trip to Nashville and can't wait to explore the city with them! AND they are planning their annual summer vacation up at Stormy so we will definitely be counting on that!