Friday, August 30, 2013

Chilly weather

Jamie and Kaden kayaking
What a great picture of Parker!
Sadie and Mason were laying in the chairs warming up in the sun while Jamie and Kaden kayaked

 The next morning was quite chilly and it didn't look like it would be warming up anytime soon, so we broke out the fishing gear (Stormy isn't exactly a good lake for fishing which we actually like because it keeps the fishermen off the lake and leaves more room for us skiers, but on cooler days when all you can do is fish, it'd be nice to get a nibble or two!)
They didn't even get a nibble (the water is just too clear!) but boy did they have fun!
Jamie enjoyed a bit of coffee and reading in between untangling lines and baiting hooks!
Sadie's favorite part is playing with the leeches...she even has a maternal instinct towards the bait! She likes when they suck on to her hands and she can pick them up!
Parker drawing some cartoons while the boys looked on..
It finally warmed up enough for the boys to do some tubing...
..and for some reason we didn't take any pictures of them tubing but you can tell by this picture how chilly poor Mason was by the time it was over!