Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Scorcerer's Apprentice

Sadie's 1st performance with Classical Ballet Academy of Minnesota was at the end of April and she LOVED IT!!! They younger dancers performed the Scorcerer's Apprentice and the older girls did Cinderella (the original one--not the Disney version). Sadie and her classmates were little 'potion monsters' and I LOVE that we didn't have to buy any over priced costumes but instead they save them from prior performances and the girls just wear them the day of the performance. Sadie in her potion monster costume!
Sadie and her friend Teagan
I took this picture as Sadie was watching the older girls get their costumes on and makeup done....she loves watching older girls and wants to emulate everything they do....which is one of the reasons I was so thankful to have Sadie watching these older girls dance. It was a much different performance than we have had in the past--these girls were graceful, fully clothed in age-appropriate outfits and the dancing was beautiful and elegant!
My friend Amber and her daughter Teagan getting their makeup all ready!
I took this picture because I think this may have been Sadie's 2nd favorite part--of course the first was being on stage and dancing, but this--getting to be back stage and watching the older girls perform--was definitely a highlight for her as well!