Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Potpourri (does anyone actually use that stuff anymore?) of the last month

I took this one day as I walked Wyatt to the bus stop...this was in mid-April and we couldn't believe we were still getting snow (little did we know that there was lots more of it coming!)
I went in for some allergy testing and the doctor told me she has never seen anyone with allergies this bad that isn't on prescription medication or shots! Yes, I'll be starting allergy shots soon! (I had Sadie take this picture because my back was itching SO bad and I wanted to see what it looked like...not a great pic but you get the idea!)
We were leaving hockey practice one day and Blake jumped on one of Wyatt's teammates bags to 'hitch a ride'...thankfully Hunter has a little brother and wasn't bothered by it at all! (gotta love that Blake wore cowboy boots with camo pants!)
Wyatt's first time taking the face-off in a real, full-ice game! (They play a lot of 3-on-3 and cross ice games at this age.)

We caved to Sadie's pressures and finally got a pet...the most low maintenance pet I could think of..a hermit crab! But she loves that thing and takes pretty good care of her. (Make no mistake, it is definitely a girl!) Sadie named her Rusty and didn't want to hear anyone tell her that Rusty is a name usually reserved for males--love her confidence! 
I took this picture one night while we were saying prayers in the loft before bedtime. Yes, I should have had my eyes closed as well, but I was so thankful I was able to take in this moment, watching Matt pray over our family while the boys lay in his arms.
Another sweet moment...each night when we go to bed we go in the kids' rooms to check on them, turn out any reading lights and retuck any ruffles sheets/comforters. Is there anything sweeter than watching your babies sleep? (I'll never forget--ahem Jen Sullivan--that for Blake, is just recharging for another action packed day.)
And more snow!! This was late April and we had all this when we opened the garage door!!
That is no light dusting people!!
And then just a few days later we were in sundresses headed to Mary Poppins! What an amazing show!! Sadie danced all the way back to our car--so inspiring for a dancer like her!
And finally, May 2nd in MN.....thankfully this was the last of it and it looks like we are in the clear, but it seemed like winter would never end this year!!!


Lindsay Borland said...

to answer your question, No. Love all these pics and glimpses of your daily life!