Thursday, April 4, 2013

One last (winter) hurrah!

A few days after our snow day, we watched Kael, Elli, and Beckham Lundquist while their dad was out of town and their mom had a dinner to go to nearby. Boy did we have a blast! The kids all get along so well and we honestly lost track of time while we were playing outside. We were planning on all having dinner together but never got around to it! We were so busy playing outside in the snow and clearing the rink off that Jen was finished with her dinner and back to our house before we even went inside! Good times with good friends....

Blake and Beckham 'boot skating' as we call it
The big boys getting the net all set up
The little boys watching--planning--plotting their next move
We weren't even sure we'd be able to skate because it was getting quite warm out that day, but thankfully the ice was still decent. The kids quickly took their hats off to cool off, but I was a bad mom and forgot their helmets! (Sorry Jen!) I didn't even think about it until I was taking these pictures......they had all gone outside to play in the snow and then helped Matt clear the rink off. By the time they got their skates on, I was playing with the little boys in the snow making snowmen and didn't even think about the kids getting helmets on. Thankfully no one went down but I'll have to be more on the ball next skating season!
The boys

Do you think they were warm at all?
And of course the girlies!! It was great for Sadie to have Elli there since Elli played hockey this year and was able to help/encourage Sadie with her skating!
These cuties were content eating snow and making snowmen with me!
My creations....the kids asked me to make 'seats' for them on the sidelines, so this was what I came up with. They are more like stools, but they did the job! Let me just say that lifting these after rolling them out around our yard was serious work--the snow was great heavy, packing snow but man does that make it hard to lift and move!!
Matt decided to join Kael on the sidelines and broke one of my stools!!!! Clearly they are not made for adults.
Two happy boys
The kids had so much fun and were already asking when they could see the Lundquists again as they were pulling out of our driveway! Hopefully next time we see them won't be in snow, though