Thursday, April 4, 2013

First snow day!!!

The kids had their first official snow day (meaning no school) earlier this month. Actually, I guess that since it's April already, it was earlier last month...but since we still have snow outside it doesn't seem like all that long ago! The kids had an absolute blast and were literally outside ALL DAY LONG! I'd say that's just as good for them as being in school, if not better! They got pretty creative with their games and I'm not even sure what they were playing half the time. Oh to be a kid again!
Somebody is a bit anxious for spring!
I had the idea of digging a tunnel out in the snow banks at the end of our driveway and although it took awhile, we made it! Gracie was the first one to fit through.
...followed by Sadie.
Yes, spring is coming buddy! (His outfits always crack me up...snow gear, helmet and lawn mower)
Once Daddy got home from work, we let him take over our tunnel-making and boy did it progress faster! 
I know I've said it a million times, but I can't say it enough--we are SO thankful for our neighbors and how much fun the kids have together. I didn't get a picture with all the kids but managed to get at least one with Grace and Lillie. And although we loved our snow day, we are definitely ready for spring!