Monday, April 1, 2013

Oh Blakers

Blake continues to amaze us, terrify us and make us laugh--often times all at once! I had a few pictures on my phone of random events that describe our 'baby' perfectly.
(1) I was at one of Wyatt's hockey practices at a rink we aren't usually at. On the side of the rink, there is this area where some 'big' kids (probably around 9-10yr olds) were playing some floor hockey. Blake picked up one of the black PVC pipes that had been laying on the side (see the one on the left side of the picture) and jumped right into the middle of the game, completely unaware of the size and age discrepancy between himself and the other kids.
The kids initially stopped and just looked at him, but once they realized he was serious about playing with them, they were gracious enough to include him in their game. He loved it and definitely felt like one of the big boys!
,,and just a little evidence that Blake has been in a room...
although all of that has led to this....
I really don't even know how this happened as I was making dinner one night and I heard Blake 'playing hockey' but never heard any damage....until after dinner when we were cleaning up all the toys and I noticed this. I don't even know if he knew when/how it happened!