Saturday, April 6, 2013


Yes last month I also had a birthday--and no, I'm not trying to deny it happened. I am actually one of those people that loves birthdays! And not just my own--anybody's....I love celebrations and I think birthdays are a pretty big deal. (Disclaimer: I have been horrible over the past few years at sending out cards/gifts to friends and family members and am trying to get better---I honestly have no good excuse--just poor planning! But I'm working on this one!)
But back to my big day---the big 3-3! My family and friends made me feel extra started off with flowers from my Dad. (Funny thing--the card actually said it was from my mom and dad but when I called to thank my mom, she replied with, "What flowers?"...we quickly realized it was all my Dad's doing, which isn't surprising since he's always been great at getting us girls flowers on special occasions. Not many men would be great at having all daughters but my Dad certainly was/is!)
The kids were actually a bit bummed that my Dad sent flowers because apparently that was one of their ideas, but Matt reassured them that it would be fine. Matt actually made an appointment for a massage for me on Saturday while he took the kids to do some shopping for my gifts. (I think I get a massage about once a year, usually only when Matt schedules one for me. If I have a free hour, I rarely want to spend it getting a massage, but when I am forced to go, I always enjoy it!)
The kids were so excited when I got home about my gifts that they couldn't wait for me to open them until the next day (my actual birthday). So I opened them on Saturday evening and my favorite ones, by far, are always the charms the kids pick out for my charm bracelet. I got the bracelet years ago as a going away gift from my good friend Patty Brown in La Crosse, who was one of my partners in getting the Side by Side chapter started there. It was such a sweet gift from her and the last two years for my birthday, Matt has taken the kids to pick out charms for me. Matt sometimes guides their choices a bit but this year he let them have free reign and I loved what they got me. Wyatt got me a charm called 'family forever' of a mom and dad and kids all holding hands around the charm with little gold hearts between each of them. It fits Wyatt as he is my most sentimental child. Sadie got me a charm that is all blue sparkles--also fitting as she is my most 'colorful' child and loves anything sparkly! And Blake got me a wooden bead which also seemed fitting--very masculine and no-nonsense. I love them and love even more that the kids picked them out on their own.
Sunday, my actual birthday, we went to church and then over to Pier 500, our family's favorite brunch place in Hudson for after church. And of course we saw a few friends from church there and the kids love ending the meal with the traditional game of bubble hockey in the lobby area.
We had a relaxing afternoon and then that evening, Matt and I went to dinner with our good friends Jamie and Julie Statema. Julie is one of my closest friends here and we actually have the same birthdate!  A few months ago Julie had told Jamie that she wanted to try this restaurant called "Butcher and the Boar" but the first available weekend reservation was months out. (It was the Minneapolis/St Paul Restaurant of the year in 2012--check it out here.) It's definitely one of the hot new restaurants in Minneapolis, which makes it hard to get in to but doesn't always mean it's good. So Jamie made reservations for our birthdate and we had an amazing time!!
The guys loved the bourbon flights and.....
..that tapper. Check out how many tap beers they have on that setup!!
A bit of a closer look....
While the guys were commenting this, Julie and I were noticing all the cool decor...filament lighting, large wooden slabs for tables, concrete countertops, marble with rustic was amazing just to sit there and take it all in.
And the food was no less amazing....we enjoyed some oysters (Matt's fav and a first for Jamie and Julie), amazing beer-battered fries, skillet cornbread, brussel sprouts, and who could leave out the amazing meat?
Check out this pork chop!! Thankfully Julie and I split was honestly 5" thick!

Neither of these pics turned out great, but you get the idea! Such a fun night with great friends.
It was also a bit bittersweet since Jamie and Julie will probably be moving to Nashville sometime this summer. And they will be SO missed! I haven't had the heart to tell the kids, especially Wyatt, because I know he will be devastated. My other good friend Dixie is moving and her son, Titus, is Wyatt's closest friend at school. And now with Jamie and Julie moving, that means that two more of Wyatt's good friends (two of their sons, Mason and Parker) will be going away. It's been hard enough for me to deal with the reality of my closest friends moving away at the same time, so I can't imagine how Wyatt will deal with it. It will definitely be a tough summer/beginning of the school year. And as sad as I am about my friends moving away, I am excited for Jamie and Julie (AND we are already planning our trip to visit them!)
It was a great birthday and I am looking forward to the year ahead---bring it on 33!