Tuesday, January 29, 2013

New Year's Weekend at Stormy Lake

So after our 48 hour whirlwind time at home, we headed up to Stormy Lake for a weekend with our good friends, the Lutz's and the Kuch's. It was a weekend filled with lots of snowmobiling, playing out in the snow, good food, games, talent shows and little sleep (at least for the parents!)

Wyatt loved wearing the snowmobile suit that Grammy and Papa had gotten for the kids
Wyatt and Coby Kuch
Wyatt, Matt, Aunt Mollie, Uncle Ty, Erik and Coby
And they're off!!
Once they got back, the little boys wanted their turn...Cooper and Blake with the Dads.
Morning walk out on the lake
The kids loved sledding off the dock onto the lake--endless hours of fun!
Of course Blake was the first to attempt going face first...
Wyatt is always such a great big brother and was extra helpful over the weekend, serving as 'big brother' to all the kids!

.So beautiful.
Upside-down icicle on the side of the house that the kids found
Playing outside waiting for the Lutz's to arrive

..playing on the snowmobiles 
(notice Blake's lips--always making motor sounds!)
As soon as Lutz's arrived, the boys headed out together for a few hours
Out on the lake with Aunt Mollie and Uncle Ty joining them
The whole crew at dinner (I guess it appears we may have been missing two little ones from the photo but I think it's near impossible to get everyone in on the same picture!)
Double Twister--we put two boards together with 7 kids (2 of them being 2 yrs old!)
Can you tell who got a little frustrated?
So Erik quickly intervened and became a human jungle gym
Once we could see the energy level rising, we opted for races of all different forms. I didn't get many pictures of them but I did get this pic of Blake and Maddy Lutz. The two of them are in the same group at BSF and become little buddies (as well as second cousins), so it's fun to watch them interact.
They sat on the edge of the couch for awhile and had their own little conversations.
Morning cartoons--a little peace while the adults got some coffee
The kids were all out playing one morning when Papa and Grammy were X-country skiing and ALL the kids ran over to greet them!
What a gentleman...Wyatt carried Grammy's skis the rest of the way up to the house.

Wyatt learned how to X-Country ski on some kid skis Grammy and Papa had and he loved it!! It's a great workout but also a fun way to enjoy the outdoors (and it's so much more peaceful than snowmobiling!)