Friday, January 11, 2013

A few more days..

The countdown until we headed to Madison for Christmas was dwindling and the kids were getting SO excited with each passing day. Thankfully, Sadie's class had their Christmas party two days before break started, so I was able to volunteer. I took a few pics, but since I was in charge of one of the games, I was actually pretty busy the whole time. But I am so thankful to have the time to help out in the kids' classrooms and see how they interact at school (and also get a better feel for which kids I think would be good friends and which kids we need to steer clear of!)
Sadie was so excited to wear her Christmas dress to school, along with her santa hat
One of their crafts--Rudolph hats!
Blake loves when he gets to come along to the kids' school and he got to make his own hat as well...I think he thought there would be eye holes in the hat!
Thursday  mornings we usually have BSF, but this last Thursday before Christmas, we were on our break for a few weeks, so Sadie had her friend Maddy over for the morning. They were such troopers and helped Blake and I shovel off more of the snow from the rink--the blessing and curse of snow!
Only one more day til we head to Madtown!!!!!! (Do you think anyone slept in our house that night? Wyatt even woke up at 3am asking if it was time to go yet....thankfully he did go back to sleep.)