Saturday, January 5, 2013

More traditions...

My favorite things about this time of year are all the fun traditions...and one of them is making cut-out cookies with the kids. I have such fond memories of doing this every year with my mom and my kids seem to feel the same way. Thankfully, my kids always have the first monday in December off school for teacher workshops, so it works out great to make it our baking day!! 

Wyatt couldn't take off this hat (that is technically Blake's) for days and wanted to wear it even while we rolled out dough and cutout cookies!
So focused on rolling his own dough...still needs a bit of work, though!

Love this--making Christmas cookies with my favorite little people, listening to Christmas music and eating some dough on the side:)
Gotta love that dough on the nose!
And proof that making cookies isn't without a bit of work.....
..signs that a 3-year old was making cookies in this stool!
The next day, we decorated the cookies after dinner so that Daddy could join in the fun. We try and let the kids decorate the cookies however they want, but there were a few moments when we had to intervene.
Exhibit A: This is how Blake decorated his cookies
 (can you even see the cookie buried in the sprinkles?)
This picture doesn't do the cookie justice, but the icing/sprinkles were literally thick enough to measure with a ruler!
..and then you shake it off...
..and this is what you are left with!
But boy was he proud of his cookie-decorating skills!
I had to take a picture of this one....Wyatt came up with the design and did it all by himself!
And he also made this little snowflake especially for me, with my favorite 'sparkly' sprinkles!
Sadie was too busy creating her own art on her cookies to take time to take a picture with one of them! And Matt and I spent most of our time cleaning up sprinkles and icing! But we are so blessed to have three healthy kids that can make messes and decorate cookies and come up with their own creations!