Friday, January 11, 2013


Our hockey rink has been a source of great fun this winter and we are SO thankful for the colder temps we have had. But as with anything, there is a certain level of maintenance that comes with it as well. Thankfully, Matt loves even the maintenance part of it and learning how to get it 'just right', which is definitely a process--but a fun one! I took a few pictures one night when the boys were out 'resurfacing' the ice.
 (Matt has a mini-zamboni-type resurfacer that works great, but on this night, the boys had just shoveled off a few inches of snow, so it needed a bit more water. The ordeal of turning on the water in the basement for the outside spigot--yes, that's how its spelled..I even looked it up!--using a hairdryer on the outside of the house to break up the ice that forms inside the spigot, hooking up the hose, turning off the water once they are's quite the sight and definitely an entire family effort!)
I had to include this picture to show what Sadie was doing inside at the time....see the reflection of the TV in the corner...yep, she was watching her all-time favorite Christmas movie (and possibly favorite movie ever), "White Christmas". 
And this picture...the boys were getting so 'hot' in 20 degree weather that they took their hats off! It's hard work, I tell ya!