Tuesday, November 6, 2012

In recovery

I think it would be safe to say that September was a recovery month for us. It was great to get back into a normal routine with school, Bible study, etc starting up, but we were also so exhausted from August that it took a bit longer than usual. So yes, I took less photos!! But I did take some--mostly on phone!

Badger football season!!!!!
The newest reader in our house, reading to Blake with a bit of assistance from Wyatt. I love watching this happen, because it gives Wyatt confidence to be able to help Sadie and she LOVES reading.
Sadie is still loving her babies--one day I looked back in the car to see this. She had her baby sitting in the stroller that she was pretending was a highchair or carseat, and she had put the blanket over her head as well as the baby's to create some privacy from the rest of us and to block the baby from the sun.
We went raspberry picking and made lots more jam!! 
Wyatt had a 3-week skating camp and Blake wanted to be involved at any level possible...
Sadie, Blake and I have been enjoying our mornings together and have made great use of museum memberships!
Blake and I enjoying time together--and yes, that tower is taller than him. Wyatt was so impressed when he saw this picture!
Matt had a reunion/planning meeting with all the physicians where he did his fellowship as well as with all the past fellows, so he was in Columbus for a few days. He took some time to drive around our old stomping grounds and sent me a few pics--this one is of our townhouse. Such great memories, although the year was tough, and a great reminder of where we have been and where the Lord has brought us!
Using up a Groupon at SkyZone (indoor trampoline park) with Lillie and Gracie
This never gets old....
Random picture with friends at BSF