Friday, November 30, 2012

A Pumpkin becomes A Jack-O-Lantern

The last weekend in October, Matt's parents came up to see Tyler play and also spend some time with us. I think this is the 3rd year in a row they have been here for the pumpkin carving, which I would say definitely constitutes a tradition. Can't wait to see you guys join us again next year for the 4th Annual!!

First you have to draw your design, very carefully
Then dig out all the icky stuff...
..and when I say icky, I mean slimy, gross, stringy gunk!
But boy is it fun!
Wyatt picked out this huge pumpkin and Matt had quite the time trying to even cut open the top to clean it out. In fact, he started out by using one of those flimsy little carving knives but when it broke, I ran to the store to get another once since we would need it for the front of the pumpkin.
Blake was busy assessing what exactly was inside his pumpkin
Still workin on it
Still trying to see what's in there
yep, still at it. By this time I was back with a second set or filmy, cheap, worthless carving knives, Matt was so frustrated with the knife he had that he wanted to try one of these new ones again. 
"NO Way!" was my response
"Maybe if I talk to it, it will talk back"
FINALLY opened that thing up!
And at the same time, everyone else was finishing up their jack-o-lanters!

Wyatt and Matt took turns carving out the big guy--until Wyatt broke the 2nd knife I had gotten.

It turned out great, but forget those big pumpkins for next year. They cost more and they are virtually impossible to carve!!
Wyatt was also really excited about his design and we had several people that they had never before seen a pumpkin with glasses. Made Wy proud.
I forgot to get a picture of Wyatt with his Jack-O-Lantern, but I took some on Halloween so you'll have to wait until that post it published!