Sunday, November 18, 2012

4th Annual Apple Orchard/Pumpkin Patch

Finally posting pictures from our trip to the pumpkin patch and apple orchard with the Lundquists--4th Annual--yes people, I said 4th! Jen and I are now fully committed to making sure this happens every single fall, come rain or shine or busy schedules!
Of course we planned to go on the only weekend this fall that was below 40 degrees! (And wouldn't you know that I forgot my nice camera and once I realized it, I was sure that Jen would have hers--nope--she was counting on me! Epic fail.)
Thank goodness for iPhones!
Feeding the goats--these goats were aggressive!

Beckham wasn't too sure of me...

Wyatt and Kael were so intrigued by the 'farmer' and stood there asking him a million questions about the tractor, hauling pumpkins, hooking up trailers, etc
Hard at work
These girls spend most of their time together giggling!
There were some intense moments of apple inspecting (both with eyes and mouths)
Such a great husband....I saw several apples that I just KNEW would taste good, so Matt obliged and made sure they ended up in my sack!
Anytime we attempt a family picture, Sadie pulls out some funky 'pose'
The lovely Lundquist family!!
Another great year--gotta love traditions!!