Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Auntie Cam came to town

Matt's sister, Cammie, came to visit us for a few days. She had some meetings for work in the cities and then took some time off to hang with us. We had a great time and LOVE having visitors!!

Friday night we went to the Homecoming football game between the two high schools in Woodbury
(Wyatt, Sadie and Grace)
Grace and Sadie spent the whole game braiding each other's hair...

Matt's brother Tyler came and met us at the game as well
 Snapped a picture of Dixie along with Blake and Ty. We were at the game with thousands of our closest friends in Woodbury.
And finally,pictures of the star of the weekend--Auntie Cam!!

Sadie with Dixie's daughter Addy--love this girl and so going to miss her when they move! She's a big-time middle-schooler now, so she was with all her friends for most of the game, but made an effort to stop by and see us.
After the game, we had some fro-yo at Cherry Berry! Of course my kids eyes were too big for their mouths!
(missed Matt as he was in Columbus)
Thanks for the fun visit Auntie Cam! We can't wait until you come visit again!


Lindsay Borland said...

love all the new blog posts!!!