Sunday, August 14, 2011

Red Sox fans

Once again, I am a bit behind in my blogging and I am attempting to get caught up before school starts. So there may be several posts in the next few days.....

Last week our good friends, the Caldarellas, came up from La Crosse to visit. Dave was one of Matt's attending physicians in residency and the moment his wife Nora and I met, we immediately clicked. We were in Bible Study together and then both had our second children 4 days apart. Their kids are about the same ages as ours, except that they have one more squeezed in there! Yes, they have 4 boys ages 6 and under. Talk about a crazy household.....but they are up for it!
They came in to town not only to see us, but also to see the Red Sox vs. Twins series as both Nora and Dave are from Boston. They went as a family one night and then Matt and Dave took the three oldest boys (Wyatt, Leo and Jac). I asked Matt to take a picture at the game and this is what I got....
(Don't you love their boys' T-shirts? "Wicked big Sox fan")
It was a late game and they didn't get home until 11pm, but thankfully the Twins won!! Nora and I spent the evening at home putting little ones to bed and talking. I think the 4 of us stayed up until 1am talking....and then the next morning we remembered why we shouldn't do that!

The kids had so much fun playing together and makes me sad that we don't live closer! I realized as I was putting these pictures together that Sadie isn't in any of them. She was at dance camp when I took most of these pictures, but she was with their youngest boy, Sean, most of the time. She loved helping to feed him, hold him and give him his bottle whenever she could. I tell you, that girl can't get enough of babies!

Nora and I
(we never get a picture together and thankfully, Nora remembered right at the last minute!)

Wyatt and Leo