Monday, November 22, 2010

It's official

Blake is a walker. He took his first steps last weeks at 11 1/2 months and has since taken up to 5 steps on his own. It's only a matter of time before we end up with all kinds of black and blue marks on the forehead! And we have also completely abandoned the baby gates, at the suggestion of a good friend of mine. She taught her kids to go down their stairs from the moment they could crawl up them (around 7 months) so I figured that if I didn't get new gates (ours both broke within days of each other) we would be forced to teach Blake. And it's going well. He can come down the steps on his own once we turn him around...he still hasn't figured out how to turn around at the top step. So he usually just sits at the top step looking at us until we help him. I was hoping to get a picture of him walking but to no avail...hopefully soon!


Lindsay Borland said...

take some video too so we can see him walking!!! so so exciting!!