Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween 2010

We had a great time last weekend as my in-laws and Matt's grandparents all came to our house to watch Tyler (my brother-in-law) play in his first college hockey games over the weekend. It was also Halloween weekend, so although they weren't here for Trick-or-Treating on Sunday, they were able to help us carve our pumpkins!

The kids anxiously waited all morning and the time was finally here....

Precise planning...

...digging in...

..the carnage..

..and finally, the carving!

..and let me tell you, carving is pretty serious business around here!

Grammy (Matt's mom) brought along some aprons for the kids as well. They keep asking when it will be time to make our Christmas cookies, now that they have their own aprons!

Their finished product!

And Sadie and Papa's finished product.

On Sunday night, it was finally time to go Trick-or-Treating. Thankfully Blake's costume fit him as I tried it on him only about 10 minutes before it was time to head out! (I had bought it at a garage sale last year and thankfully it was $2 well spent).

Minnie Mouse

I had a tough time getting a good picture of all three of them, so here is what I managed to get.

Minnie Mouse, Batman, and a bear
Outside by their pumpkins

Doesn't this look so warm?!

Wyatt went trick-or-treating with his friends Nathan, Grace, and Emma in our neighborhood. Thankfully the other parents went around with these kids because they literally ran from house to house for over an hour....and filled their buckets! But they had so much fun.

I walked with Sadie and Blake in the stroller and we lasted for about 30 minutes. But Sadie did a great job walking up to each door by herself and saying 'Trick or Treat".

So happy to be home eating her candy!

Wyatt came home a bit later with a full bucket, a teddy bear (from a former soldier who was injured in Iraq--yes, he gave one to each kid!), a teddy bear he got for Sadie, but his favorite.....
a full-size Snickers bar!

...counting the candy....

Wyatt managed to save the full-size snickers for one day....but after dinner Monday night, it was gone. Now begins the daily battle over how much candy the kids can have and how much candy Mom and Dad can keep from eating at night after the kids go to bed.