Thursday, November 18, 2010

First Snowfall

Last Saturday we woke up to several inches of snow and it just kept coming all morning. We ended up getting about 7 inches and we loved just about every minute of it (the only thing we didn't love was losing power for about 3 hours saturday morning..but we were lucky as friends of ours lost it for over 2 days!)

There is nothing like the excitement of a child waking up to see the first snowfall of the year!

Thankfully this year I had actually gotten the kids enough winter gear to fit them, so I wasn't scrambling at the last minute to find hats/mittens/boots!

And another amazing blessing? Our neighbors....I can't say enough about how thankful I am for the neighborhood we live in. Our next door neighbors' kids (ages 17, 15, and 11) texted us at 9am to see if the kids would come out and play in the snow with them. AND this was after Andrea (17yr old) was at a lock-in all night at church and was coming over Saturday night to babysit the kids already. Seriously, we have THE BEST neighbors!!!!


Unfortunately the snow has been melting a little bit each day but it's still white outside and I am hoping we get more soon or it stays cold!!