Wednesday, August 18, 2010

what else can you do when the heat index is 104 degrees?

The weather last week was just unbearably hot! And its a bit too much work for me to take all 3 kids up to the pool by myself with Blake usually needing a nap by the time we get there, so we created our own 'pool' fun at home.

I love this picture.....Blake loved the splashes that came his way, keeping him cooled off!

As you've probably noticed from the last few posts, Blake adores his big brother. I took these next three pictures over the course of about 10 seconds and they are so precious to me!

My beauty

...she has such a great imagination. Not sure what she was doing her, but the smirk on her face perfectly captures her personality.


I couldn't resist posting a few pics of the the 'jumps, dives, and slides' they were doing. I am quite sure that they hurt themselves a few times, but they were having so much fun that I didn't say anything. I believe they emptied the water out of the pool about 10 times by splashing so much and refilling it, but that's what hoses are for, right?