We're pretty good at doing this......
but we're not good at being the ones staying behind and having to goodbye to those leaving. For our entire lives, we've been the ones leaving. So when we moved in to our house and I told the kids we were done moving, I didn't really think about the possibility that other people could move away from us and how tough that would be. Unfortunately we have had to experience this much too soon in our time here in our house. I have said on this blog (on many occasions) how thankful we are for the neighbors we have and the neighborhood we live in--in large part due to the wonderful families we have gotten to know. And last week, one of those families had to move away....and not just away, but FAR away to Texas. The neighborhood just isn't the same without them and it will be really tough when someone else moves in to the "Van Beveren's House", but before they left, we were able to spend lots of time with them.
Kendall 'the photographer'

I took these next two pictures as Roger was telling Wyatt and Kendall that they could only have a popsicle if they could open the freezer on their own......and then reach in and get them out!

These two had more fun the 3 days prior to Kendall moving than they had all summer with one another.....so fun but also so sad!

Emmy just looked so cute watching the movers load the truck

......so sad....

Wyatt and the 'big kids' as we call them in our house

Sadie and Emmy with their favorite babysitter, Andrea

Wyatt (5 yrs old) and Ryan (15yrs old)
But don't tell Wyatt there is such a big age gap--he thinks they are almost the same age!

And Melissa, I had to take this picture. We all know this wasn't Kendall being emotional about the move, but rather about a much bigger deal--her splinter!

How we all felt that day.....love you Roger, Melissa, 'Big Grace', Kendall, and Emmy

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