Thursday, July 15, 2010

Stormy Lake, here we come!!

The day after the wedding, everyone headed up to Stormy Lake. Matt had to work for a few days back here in the twin cities, so we were going to be joining everyone at the lake later in the week. But after all the fun with the cousins at the rehearsal and wedding, Wyatt and Sadie decided to head up north with my Grammy and company, which left Matt and Blake and I to head back home while the kids enjoyed some time at the some of these pics were taken prior to us joining them!

Oh boy....Wyatt spent the 4 hour drive with these wahoos
(Mollie, Karsten, Colin, Ty and Jana)

..oh, and Sugar

Showing off his 'danish' pinky finger

And Sadie rode with Grammy!


Just an idea of how much food is consumed......

The customary trip to 'Crazy Bob's', i mean Dari-Maid for some ice cream

The reason it's called 'Crazy Bob' by so many.......the man in the red hat to Ty's right. He has been a staple at Dari-Maid since Matt was a young kid and possibly even before that. He stands right outside with his microphone and speaker and sings songs, per request, all night long. We have yet to go to Dari-Maid and not see Bob there. Unfortunately the family calls him 'Crazy Bob' despite the fact that he's not crazy, but political correctness wasn't an issue 30+ years ago, so for lack of a better term at the time, 'crazy' stuck. He definitely has some mental issues but provides wonderful entertainment to families like ours year after year.

Apparently Wyatt and Reagan had a blast together all week.

....and what would Stormy be without some sweet skiing pics?...

Some of Matt's cousins were also baptized during the week


The other customary stop? Kartway!!

We were still in the cities when they went to Kartway, so I'm not surprised that Uncle Ty had to do a bit of coercing to get Wyatt in the go-cart. But of course he loved it once he got up the courage!

notice the grip Wyatt has on Ty's arm?

The kids had so much fun, but I'm not sure Blake enjoyed his alone time with Matt and I as much. He definitely missed his big brother and big sister. And was SO happy to be reunited with them. And they felt the same way as well.

We played a game that Colin had learned when he was in the Dominican Republic and although it's too hard to explain on here, let's just say that it was hilarious! And a great game to play with the Smith side of the family.

the kids didn't want to miss out on any of the fun, but you can tell they were getting tired

I couldn't stop taking pictures of the sky, clouds, water and trees.....oh, and my kids!

Blake's 1st time in the water and he loved it! He did, however, eat more sand than I could keep track of!

Sadie has no fear.....she was more than happy to pull out a leech anytime Matt needed one for fishing. She just dove her hand right in and pulled out a handful! (Notice Wyatt's posture!)

Three generations

The Sorensen fam.....we have definitely maxed out the capacity at this table

Blake was cutting a tooth while we were there and found drawstrings to be his favorite thing to chew on, whether people wanted him to or not!

4th of July

Another great year at Stormy in the books!