Sunday, July 11, 2010

The fun's not over

Despite our sheer exhaustion, the day after the wedding my parents hosted a huge barbecue at their house for all of the out of town guests....from New Zealand, Arizona, Colorado, Minnesota, Fond du Lac, WI and a few other places. It was a great opportunity to spend more time with friends and family that we don't see as often as we'd like.

My Grandpa's wife Mary with Blake

Watching "The Haka"
New Zealand's national rugby team does a pregame 'dance' called "The Haka", which originated from the native Maori people of New Zealand. Apparently it's pretty intimidating and all the kiwis performed it the night before at the reception. So at the barbecue, Rob's bestman Johnny pulled it up on YouTube for us all to watch.

Johnny saying goodbye to Sadie
We had the privilege of spending the entire week before the wedding with Rob and Linds' good friends and also Rob's family, so we felt like we were saying goodbye to our own friends when they left. And Johnny is a children's ministry pastor, so my kids especially liked hanging out with him.

Bohlman Family Cousins
The last time we were all together was my cousin Ben's wedding, which was 4 of 5 years ago. So, after much prodding from all the aunts and uncles, we got everyone together for a picture (however, my cousin Clint had just left and Wyatt was napping still, but we were all together at one point!)

The kids had such a great time getting to know some of their cousins. Wyatt and Olivia (my cousin Paula's daughter) played together almost the entire time and had a blast, despite never having met before.

Wyatt and Sadie with my aunt Adie and her granddaughter (so my cousin Ben's daughter) Avery

My cousin Paula with Blake

My cousin Nick's wife Heather, their son Dakota Wyatt (great name!) and Sadie

The Borlands

Rob and Linds did make an appearance and I was so thankful my kids were able to spend just a bit more time with them. They love Rob and Linds, but most of our interaction with them is via Skype, so being able to hang out with them in person is quite a treat.

i promise we didn't plan our outfits
(it just seems to happen with sisters)

Wishing the happy couple off
(well, technically, we saw them off at the airport the next morning. But we took all our pics and did the customary goodbyes at my parents as well. Matt and I love spending time with them and are so thankful Lindsay has found such a great guy. We are looking forward to our trip to New Zealand in the near future!!)