Friday, July 16, 2010

One less robin in the world

As we were hanging out in our neighborhood the other night, I looked on the ground by Sadie's feet and saw a clump of what looked like hay. I said, "Sadie, what is that on the ground? It looks like a nest."

To which she replied, "It was in our mailbox."

I immediately thought it must be a nest and said, "Sadie, did you take it out?"

Sadie: "Yeah Mommy."

My neighbor Terri then said, "She has something in her hand"

Me: "Sadie, do you have something in your hand?"

Sadie: "This?" holding up a light blue egg

I gasped, along with all our other neighbors who were standing around and said, "Sadie, that's an egg!"

Before I could even finish my sentence she took the egg and tossed it sideways across her body and in to the street, as if it were a piece of garbage. I felt like it happened in slow motion as I stretched out my arms to try and stop her and said, "Nnnnnn-ooooooo"

Sadie: "Well, there are more in the mailbox"

I quickly ran over to the mailbox before she could get there and saw two more eggs laying in the bottom portion of our mailbox, bare, without their warm cozy nest as it was now on the ground in pieces. I looked at my neighbors and Matt, all of whom were still in disbelief at what had just happened, and told them that in fact there were more eggs. I asked our neighbor Bob, a high school biology teacher, if there was any point in trying to put it all back together as I wasn't sure if the mother would return after we had handled the eggs and the nest that much. He said they have a horrible sense of smell, so this was my attempt at piecing it all back together.

No piecing this back together
....if you notice the little pebbles on the yolk portion of the egg, that was Sadie's attempt to make it better by adding what she called 'salt' to the egg

The next day when I went to pick up our mail at the mailbox (in the top portion), I heard the mother inside and quickly backed away so she wouldn't fly in my face. And she flew out as I backed away, so she must not have noticed our presence. This happened last week and as of today, there are no more eggs in there......I'm hoping this is a good thing!


Grant and Jenni said...

Oh! I hope they hatch for you. We had a nest on our front porch. They hatched, but the nest fell over on a windy day and I came home to 5 little robins dead on the porch. It was the saddest thing ever!