Friday, January 8, 2010

One month

Blake was officially a month old last week and I have a feeling this entire year is just going to fly by. With Wyatt, the time seemed to drag on and I wondered if I would ever sleep again, but with #3 it seems to go so much faster!!

But Blake is certainly following in the footsteps of his big brother and sister is achieving 'big baby' status. At 4 weeks old, he already weighed 13 1/2 lbs!! That's weight gain of about 1 lb/week. So needless to say, he doesn't look much like a 4 week old but more like a 3 mos. old!

This was Wyatt and Sadie's way of making sure Blake was included in their game.
Not sure what he thinks of it....



Anonymous said...

love the new pics ... he is so big already!!!
p.s. rob and i got your christmas cards and he particularly loved reading the letter!

Our Family said...

what an amazing smile already - he is so cute Kris!