Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Year's 2010

Matt and I have wanted to settle in the twin cities ever since we got married and finally were able to do so this year. There are many things we love about the cities, but our group of friends here is by far #1 on that list. Our friends up here all went to Bethel College with Matt and have remained close ever since, subsequently becoming some great friends of mine as well. Every summer Matt and about 6-10 of the guys (Burbots, as they refer to themselves) in this group of friends head up to the Boundary Waters for a 5-day canoe and fishing trip. And they have gone every summer for the past ten years (since graduating from college). Of course not every guy can go every summer, but for the most part they all try to make it a priority and it's become an awesome tradition. They have such a great time up there and I am so thankful for the friendships Matt has with these guys. They are all such godly men who encourage each other, pray for one another, and have so much fun together. I can't wait for Wyatt to be able to go on these trips with them.

Anyways, all that to say that we invited all these guys and their families over on New Year's Day. Not everyone could make it, but we had about 30 people and it was a blast. The highlight of the day/night was playing "Burbot Jeopardy" courtesy of Andy Lutz who was spent over 4 hours preparing the game. It was filled with questions about each of the guys, their wives, kids, funny things that happened in college and in the 10 years since, memories from the Boundary Waters, etc. Matt and I are still laughing about it!! And what a great year to start a new decade--by remembering all that has happened in the last decade and some amazing friendships that have grown over the years. What a blessing all these people are in our lives!
A few pictures from the day....

All the winter gear after the guys played broomball (yes, it was about 2 degrees and they played on the outdoor rink in our neighborhood).

Johnell made this book of pictures/quotes/memories commemorating the 10-yr anniversary of the guys' Boundary Waters trips and it was amazing!! All the wives bought a copy for our husbands for Christmas and have learned quite a bit about what really goes on up there--and I'm sure much more we don't want to know about!


Sadie had never met many of these people but had no fear in asking anyone to read her books and let her sit on their lap--something Matt finds a bit disconcerting as she gets older!!


Anna and Wyatt were such great helpers

Andy--the mastermind behind it all!

Retelling some of the hilarious stories that comprised the material for the game

Everyone got to our house in the early afternoon and stayed until about 10pm. The kids loved having all the kids at our house and getting to stay up late and we had such a blast!! This will definitely become our New Year's Tradition--can't wait until next year guys!!