Thursday, January 28, 2010

Being a little brother

There is no lack of love around here for Blake. Wyatt and Sadie's most cherished time of day is when then are going to bed and each of them gets to have Blake lay in bed with them for a few minutes. It just warms my heart to see them interact with him and also how much he loves it. On several occasions, their bedtimes fall at the same time as when he needs to eat and he gets a bit fussy. But almost without fail, whenever I lay him down in bed with them, he quiets down and look intently at his big brother or big sister. Sadie usually cuddles with him and share her blankie while Wyatt spends his time talking to Blake about stuff.

We just can't get enough of this kid!!


Anonymous said...

He is a doll! What a cutie pie!!
Jen L.

Our Family said...

all the pics are adorable - but I really love the one of Sadie reading to him - that is just so sweet! Don't you love how motherly they are with a little one around!

steph said...

that is just precious! i love sadie sticking her blanket into his mouth to help him "soothe".

Mary Jo said...

That's the best part about being the third child! People can't get enough of us hehe ;)