Thursday, October 29, 2009

No pictures here....

I started this blog to have a record of the day-to-day things going on in our lives and lately, I seem to have just been recording the bigger 'events'. So in an attempt to remember some of the simpler things in life, I had to put this post on here. You won't see any pictures--just a few funny things my kids have said lately that crack me up (and that I'm sure I will forget if I don't write them down).

In the car:
Me: "Sadie, I am not going to argue about this anymore."
Sadie: "Why can't you arg-me?"
Me: "What Sadie? I said I will not argue about this."
Sadie: "Mommy, I want to arg-me!"
Me: "Sadie, I don't know what you are saying, but no more arguing."
Sadie: (getting quite frustrated) "No Mommy, arg-me"
Me: "What?"
Sadie: "ARG-ME"
It was at this point that I realized Sadie didn't know the word argue and thought I was saying "Arg-you" and was turning it around when she repeated it. I then started laughing, which she didn't understand and was still frustrated, until I explained to her what 'argue' meant.

At my OB appt:

Nurse midwife: "Now, since you are at 36 weeks, would you like us to check your cervix?"
Me: (looking at my kids) "No, I don't think we need to do that today. Can we wait until next week when I won't bring the kids with me?"
Midwife: "Sure, that would be fine."
Wyatt: "Yeah, my Mommy doesn't need any service, but thank you."
(thankfully her heard her say service and cervix--I can't imagine the conversations I would have had to have with him on the way home if that had checked me!!


Jessie said...

That is so hysterical!!! I completely burst out laughing on Wyatt's quote!!
I love Sadie's arg-me I was baffled until you explained too. she is soo cute!