Wednesday, October 21, 2009

As I always say, early is on time....

I went in for an ultrasound last week to make sure this little one was no longer breech. Both Sadie and Wyatt turned head down quite late in my pregnancies, so I wasn't too worried. But the midwife I saw that day gave me some exercises to do throughout the week to make sure the baby turned. And I wish I had had Matt take a picture of me because I must have looked hilarious, based on my family's reactions. I can't do them anymore (as the baby could turn into the breech position again) but I leaned an ironing board against the couch and had to lay on it for 15 minutes, 3 times a day. After the first day, I found the kids doing the same thing and it did look hilarious! All this to say, the baby is no longer breech and ready for a natural delivery. And here is a little sneak peak at #3....

I'm hoping this baby decides to be the first of my children to make an early appearance into the world. At my ultrasound, he/she was measuring 6lbs, 8oz. which is the same size Sadie was at birth--and I still have over 4 weeks left! YIKES!! Based on the picture (which I personally just think looks like a chubby, squished baby) everyone is predicting this one to be a boy--and also based on the size. We'll just have to wait and see--but hopefully not too much longer!


The Paulk's said...

Even before I read your last paragraph, I looked at the picture and said "that little one looks like a boy" kidding!! No offense if you have a girl though :)! Glad the baby is head down!

Our Family said...

...just how the Sullivan's like their babies, "chubby" - so cute, and more durable (ryan says) :)