Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween Part I

The day before Halloween, Wyatt got to wear his costume to school and he was so excited. He had been asking when this day would come for about a month (no kidding!). When I asked him what he wanted to be for Halloween and he told me Spiderman, I thought it quite odd since he's never seen Spiderman--never seen the movie, show, cartoon, comic, or anything with Spiderman on it. But I guess that's what happens when your kids go to school--they get exposed to things they wouldn't otherwise. I am quite strict about what my kids watch/see and they don't know about a lot of 'characters' that I'm beginning to find out many other kids their ages know about. Now, just to clarify, I don't necessarily have anything against Spiderman, but I do think Wyatt would be a bit young to see the movie or really understand what Spiderman does. But since his best buds at school have Spiderman backpacks, shoes, etc. he now knows 'who' Spiderman is--a good guy who fights the bad guys. Works for me. And although I know nothing about Spiderman (Wyatt informed me that the black Spiderman is the bad guy), he had a great time in his costume and wore it everyday when he got home from school up until Halloween.

Sammy, Wyatt, and Justin--all as Spiderman
These boys are his best buds at school and a real handful, at times, for Mrs. Meyers!

Just look at the looks on those faces!

Wyatt hadn't wanted to wear his mask that morning, but when I came to pick him up he wanted me to take his picture with the mask on! He loved it and loved being a 'superhero'.


Anonymous said...

so glad you found one in his size ... so fun! post pics of sades soon too!!!