Tuesday, May 6, 2008

This Kid Cracks Me Up

This post is a random assortment of pictures and stories that just make me laugh! Wyatt cracks me up sometimes with the things he says or does and I wanted to put some of them on here so I'd be able to someday look back and remember these funny things.

Wyatt and Sadie at the zoo with my Mom (we were in OH looking for housing)

A few of our recent conversations:
"Mommy, I feel ill. I think I need some medication."---what 3 year old says "ill" and "medication"? He usually says "sick" and "medicine", but for some reason the other day he decided to use these words!

"Mom, I can't eat right now."
"Why not Wyatt?"
"Because my foot hurts me."

These glasses are just too much! This was on our way to Bible study one morning.

This was what he was wearing the other night. I'm not sure how the pants ended up coming off, but then the cowboy boots came on and the goggles from his work bench just top it all off. (Notice Sadie looking at him in the background).

It got even funnier when he started talking on the phone with Nani.

When he gets tired, he calls everything "Bodie" (pronounced beau-dee).......For example, he'll pray at night and say, "Thank you Bodie or he'll say "My bodie hurts" or he'll tell us to "Stop being a bodie". This seems to be his favorite made-up word--and it's all-encompassing!

Whenever he asks for something that he doesn't think he'll get, he likes to look at us and say, "Wouldn't that be fun?"


Advice Gals said...

I wish I could make up a word to use when I didn't know what else to say...

Our Family said...

I can just hear Wyatt saying "Wouldn't that be fun???" in his ever convincing voice he seems to have mastered at a very young age.... He must get that from his mother :)