Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Spring at Last

OK, I'm going to warn you that this post has a lot of pictures. I went a little picture crazy (and of course, they aren't even all on here) as we were enjoying being outside for the first time in months! We were at my parents again this weekend as we were searching for a new car in the area and spent much of sunday afternoon playing outside. Wyatt, Pops and Matt played football and Sadie enjoyed getting acclimated to the outdoors.

Pops and Sades
Precious babes watching Daddy run after the football

Getting used to walking on uneven ground

I just missed the cutest moment by about 1/10 of a second......but you can kind of see the excitement in Sadie's face. She was walking towards Matt and got so giddy when he got down to her level.

What a handsome guy!! I'm so blessed.

Playing running back and linebacker!

This picture just describes Wyatt---he loves to be in charge and tell everyone what to do. He was telling Matt and my Dad to come over to him for a huddle. Classic.

I love this picture of Wyatt and Matt
Tough guys!!

Exhausted! Wyatt said he needed to take a rest and insisted that the guys keep on playing!

Matt and the kids on Pops' tractor

Wyatt has been so hesistant about Pops' tractor for over 3 years now and Matt finally got him to go on it. I'm sure so many kids would love to get to ride on one of these all the time, but Wyatt wanted nothing to do with it in past summers. But apparently this year is different! He was even smiling and driving on his own.
It was almost 80 degrees again today and I felt like we should spend every moment outside--as if we'd never experience nice weather again! But summer is coming (at least it has every other year in WI) and we will have many more days to spend outside. I guess that's one of the great things about WI winters is that it makes us really appreciate the summers!


Michelle said...

We feel the same way about the warm weather since it was such a long winter! We stayed outside as much as we could yesterday and today since it's supposed to be cool and rainy the rest of the week.:(