Monday, April 28, 2014

Proud moment

I have said many times how much I love the kids' school--and this is just another reason. Each month they give out Christian Character Awards to recognize students who exemplify a specific character trait  and we got an email saying that Wyatt had been chosen by his teacher to receive this award. It was so much fun because Wyatt didn't know that we knew, so we were able to be there (hiding out in the back of the auditorium) while he received his award.
Mr. Goodbar, the elementary school principal, announcing the awards 
Wyatt received an award for 'attentiveness'--his teacher Mrs. Kroohn, said "Wyatt, you are an excellent listener and you care about others' needs and feelings. Keep up the good work."
SUCH a blessing to have teachers that see my kids' weaknesses AND strengths and encourages them!!
So excited!
And I had to take this picture---Blake stood up on the stage, so proud of his big brother! (All the rest of the parents and siblings were down on the ground, but Blake just hopped right up there!)
Way to go Wyatt! We are so proud of you and all you are accomplishing in school, but more than your academics, we are so proud of your decision to follow Christ! You are a great kid and we are blessed to be your parents. We pray that you'll continue to grow into a man of God and serve Him in whatever you do. Mrs. Kroohn hit the nail on the head when she mentioned how much you care about others' needs and feelings. You are so considerate and we couldn't be more proud! We love you!